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Art In Nursing

Evan Carrell | February 10, 2021

When I first heard about this Art in Nursing assignment, I immediately thought about this piece of artwork that I found online over the summer of last year. I am not familiar with the artist, but her signature is included at the bottom right corner of the piece. The drawing depicts a weeping Statue of Liberty holding a young African American boy in her arms. I believe that this work was originally inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, and represents the lack of support that people of color face in this country. On a larger scale, it also speaks to the amount of work that we as a society need to do in order to achieve true equality and end the outward racism that is ever-present. The drawing makes me emotional, as the look in the Statue’s eyes seems to say “I’m so sorry I’ve let you down”. America has always promoted liberty, autonomy, and justice, but, unfortunately, due to institutional racism, minorities and people of color are not guaranteed those rights and freedoms. This is where I believe the picture connects to the field of nursing. As nurses, we all promise to “do no harm”. Not only does that include making sound clinical decisions and ensuring patients’ physical safety, but it also means that we are patient advocates. We are directly responsible for the nature of the care that a patient receives. We are one of the most trusted professions, and therefore, we must live up to that standard. That means ensuring that ALL patients, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, receive the best care possible.

NurseLogic 1&2 Reflection

NurseLogic Module 1: Testing/Remediation

I absolutely learned some new content in this module! I am not very familiar with the names for different patient positions in the bed, and I didn’t know that tomato juice was high in sodium! Both very important things to consider when I have patients of my own. I think this module is also a good test of knowledge based on the content we have and will be learning this semester. It will also be useful for patient application when I start my clinical rotation at Mercy Hospital next week! Some of the content from the first module was familiar to me, as I have a background in pharmacy and phlebotomy. The questions about lab work, medication administration, and side effects were exciting to see.

NurseLogic Module 2: Nursing Concepts

As I stated in the previous reflection, I went into these modules with some clinical knowledge as well as pharmacy knowledge. However, I learned more about the nursing process in this module, especially when there were questions about disease states and patient-specific scenarios I’m not familiar with. Similar to the previous module, there were questions about patient positioning that I struggled with, but will now know for the future! I also learned that a speech pathologist can identify patients at risk of aspiration. I think all of these new concepts will be helpful to supplement my learning in class, as well as in clinical. I am excited to use the new concepts I have learned as well as the pharmacy and phlebotomy knowledge I have to make a positive impact on future patients.

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